Monday, December 29, 2014

Through My Lens

I never planned on becoming a photographer. And honestly there are times when I still blush when I tell people that's what I am. Because while it's something I'm crazy in love with, I hate feeling like "another one of those photographers". I don't like feeling like I am out to compete in a completely over saturated market. I can't pretend that I was born with a camera in hand because I wasn't. But I was very reassured of my desire when I stumbled upon some old pictures I took when I was maybe 9 years old. I had posed my sisters on a fence in an area of some beautiful family property in Southern Utah and had even had them cheesily looking up into the sky.  They are seriously not grand by any means...but it showed me that even then I had a desire to capture moments, to pose people and to see the beauty around me through a lens.  Many years later after having my first baby I bought my first camera. And it took me a year or so to not use the auto setting. Eventually- after many impatient moments and half-assed shoots I became one with my camera. I no longer looked at others around me wondering how it was so innate for them. Because suddenly it was innate for me too. I was able to capture things the way they looked to me. And after a phase of wondering if I was good enough I finally decided I was. And while I may not be the highest paid or most quickly booked photographer, I LOVE what I do. And I know that if I were busier I wouldn't love it this way. I get chills when I cull my images sometimes. I cry looking at a perfectly captured moment. I LOVE the people I photograph because even if it's just for a millisecond, I get a glimpse into their souls. I used to think I loved weddings the most. But now I've discovered that my all time favorite form of photography is birth photography. It's the mother in me. The woman in me that cherishes my own birth experience beyond measure.  And it's the next best thing to giving birth myself! Witnessing this amazing moment with others- it's the best thing in the world.  But don't get me wrong- I love it all. I love snuggling new babies, giggling with toddlers and even posing 20 people for a large family gathering session.  I love working with brides, grooms, young moms, soon to be moms, you name it! Photography is an art I am proud to say I take part in. And I'm so excited to share some of that with you! I'll be posting bits and pieces of sessions here from now on. Thanks for sharing my creative journey with me!


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