Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Mom, I'm tired.

Today was the day I put my foot down and cut out naps for my oldest son- Connor. He's been waking up around 5 a.m. almost every day for the past 3 years. THREE YEARS PEOPLE! Even mornings after a long Disney day- or when he's under the weather. Or when he's up until midnight.  It just doesn't seem to phase him. Today he was up before 5- about 4:50. It kicks us in the face when we try to get him back in bed because after a whole minute of laying in his bed he gets antsy and wakes up his brother. So the next sound I hear is their whispering while trying to turn on a movie or find some random sugary treat I might have forgotten to hide on the ever growing mound of hidden food on my nightstand.  So today after the hubby read yet another article on how to get kids to sleep better, we decided that no matter how tired it would make me to not have a break from his energy in the day, we weren't going to have him nap. SO he was up from 4:50 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. It would have been an earlier bed time but we had a fun family outing and went to Ruby's for Kids Eat Free Tuesday! You really never value a good free kids meal until you've paid full price for both kids. We used to get away with them sharing our food, or sharing one kids meal. Nowadays it's just not as easy. So while we're finishing up dinner Connor says he's tired and decides to lay down on the bench. It's not a small feat to hear these words from this kid. He NEVER admits to his fatigue for fear of the imminent SLEEP that will follow. I considered it a win. I kind of feel like I set this post up to be more than it really is. Basically I'm just glad that the lack of nap led to him actually being tired and going to sleep in two seconds rather than the hour long back and forth battle of turning on the hall light and threatening to shut the bedroom door ALL THE WAY. The biggest battle was shower time which was absolute hell and will have a video coming soon to the tube...

But all in all those extra hours of NOT napping led to some pretty awesome moments. Like playing with the new puppet theater, playing grocery store, drawing, having deep conversations and watching some tv together. I guess this whole mom thing just gets better and better...


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