Monday, December 29, 2014

Joining the Party

So I was a crazy devoted blogger for a long time- then it fizzled with the addiction to Facebook and Instagram and suddenly being able to post a singular memory in nanoseconds replace the urge to spend hours typing lengthy posts.  But I've felt a void lately. I have so much inside that I want to share, from my own personal triumphs, my kids crazy moments, my work and all the fun things I have the opportunity to do living where I do.  So while I've shuffled a whole bunch of ideas around, played with a lot of catchy blog titles, ideas for how to get all my creativity on the interwebs...after a lot of common sense talking from my husband I've decided to just be myself. To put it all out there as just ME. My name. After all what better way to introduce myself than by using the very words I am identified as? So this is me. This is my blog. It's going to have everything- photos from my home, my professional sessions, my Disneyland adventures, my holes I dig in the sand and even some cool videos I plan to start making. I'm joining the ever growing number of youtube mommy blogger people.  It's going to be a fun 2015. Thanks for joining me on this new adventure! I hope you walk (or click) away with a smile, a chuckle or a little inspiration to make your own life even sweeter, more adventurous and creative!


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